Despite the poor performance of Sanjay Leela Bhansali's Saawariya at the B.O., one saw its debutant hero Ranbir Kapoor's career zooming to dizzying heights, while it took some time for Sonam Kapoor to make it to the 'it' list. But when she did, she simply did it in style! Today, Sonam has not only become the face of cosmetic major L'Oreal, but will also be walking the prestigious red carpet at the forthcoming Cannes International Film Festival for the brand. In fact, she will be walking the red carpet with none other than Aishwarya Rai Bachchan!
On this development, an excited Sonam says, "The name L'Oreal Paris is immediately evocative of the brand's signature phrase: 'Because I'm worth it'. Representing L'Oreal Paris as a woman and an artiste is an honour and a privilege, and the pleasure is mine!" Sonam also added that for her, being on the same platform as Aishwarya was a big deal in itself and that she has always adored her, but met her only once, during the Delhi 6 Premiere.
Not just that, this pretty young lass is confident of carrying off Indian outfits by designers Anamika, Manish and Gaurav, on the red carpet. If that's not enough, then the icing on the cake is that she will also be dressed by an international designer for one of the events!
It is also learnt that Sonam will be accompanied by her daddy dearest Anil Kapoor to Cannes. Way to go, Sonam!
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